Message from the CEO

Arona International

Message from the CEO

I am thankful to everybody who has supported Arona International in regards to remodeling new concept of extending international educational consultancy for Bangladesh in various segments of multi-dimensional activities that involves arranging International expo, coordinating collaboration between institutes, managing short courses ,providing training and above all rendering service to recruit Bangladesh student to the Euro Asia educational platforms beside the most challenging part to extend international student loans partnering with Mpower Financing , USA – the number 1 International student Loan provider 2020 rated by Nerdwallet & American Banker , USA.

I feel very blissful that the top most Bangladesh academician’s extended fullest support to Arona International to facilitate educational ties before the global platform .I am thankful to all the Malaysian counterparts to grant us opportunities to extend them fullest cooperation to recruit Bangladesh students for better educational harmony between the two friendly republics. I thank the USA counterpart to extend us facilities to recruit Bangladeshi students with international Loans in prospective universities at current.

I noticed during last 20 years the change of Bangladesh education is phenomenal. The digital platform introduce in Bangladesh is playing very important very turning role to change module of conventional method to the path in the information super highway. The world turns into in a global village. I am thankful to the present ruling systems that played a land mark to the global platform.

Being an experienced news agency media personnel and as well Educational Consultant I believe Bangladeshi students have much potential to take up international education and flourish the fast hand state of the art technique to create a new golden bengal . I also feel the foreign institute has much scope to landmark in Bangladesh and gradually become a knowledge partner and make Bangladesh comprehensive educational hub countries of the 21st century.

Finally I am committed to extend fullest services to Bangladesh student before globalization in order to make their career in the right path of international education.

Being an experienced news agency media personnel and as well Educational Consultant I believe Bangladeshi students have much potential to take up international education and flourish the fast hand state of the art technique to create a new golden bengal . I also feel the foreign institute has much scope to landmark in Bangladesh and gradually become a knowledge partner and make Bangladesh comprehensive educational hub countries of the 21st century.